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Llandaff Art
22.43 San Georgia, Venice. Watercolour
Study of MR page 51
Painted for Ben & Eliza
Study of MR page 51
Painted for Ben & Eliza
22.42 Hayd0n Chapel 1620 Bermuda. Watercolour
22.40 North Tower. Watercolour
Study of artist XX
Study of artist XX
22.39 Alcatraz island,landing. Watercolour
Study of MR
Study of MR
22.38 Sonoma Plaza Fountain, California. Watercolour
Stuy of artist XX
Stuy of artist XX
22.37 Sants Maria, Porto. Watercolour
Study of artist XX
Study of artist XX
22.36 Grande Canale, Venice. Watercolour
Study of artist XX
Painted for Sally Jones Study of XX page xx
Study of artist XX
Painted for Sally Jones Study of XX page xx
22.35 Bridge Street, Llandaff Brrr!. Cristmas card 2022 .Watercolour
Christmas Card 2022
Christmas Card 2022
22.34 Steps Chemin De La Dordogne, France. Watercolour
Study of artist XX
Study of artist XX
22.31 Hilltop mists,Croatia. Watercolour.
Study of artist xx
Study of artist xx
22.30 Cscadas, Italy, Watercolour
Study of artist XX
Study of artist XX
22.32 Canale Maneuvers Venice. Watercolour
Study of artist XX
Study of artist XX
2.28 Capileire, Spain. Watercolour
22.27 Val d' Orcia, Tuscany. Watercolour
Study of artist xx
Study of artist xx
22.26 The Chandlers, Turkey. Watercolour
Painted for Brian & Rhian
Painted for Brian & Rhian
22.25 Picadillky in the rain
22.24 Fishguard West Wales,. Watercolour
22.22 The Hayes Cardiff. Watercolour
22.21 Saxaphone player. Watercolour
22.20 The Bay West Wales. Watercolour
22.19 Moonlit hlltop village. Watercolour
22.18 Banana lady. Watercolour
22.14 African ladies. Watercolour
22.17 'Hatman surfside Barbados )2). Acrylic
22.14 African ladies. Watercolour
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